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How to delete photos from iPhone 5

iPhone photos app delete
Storage is at a premium on your smartphone or tablet, and you can still fill up even the most capacious device with music, movies and photos. It's one of the things that makes cloud storage such an attractive proposition - enable iCloud on your iPhone 5 and you can store your beloved photos elsewhere, and still access them on your smartphone.
That doesn't stop your iPhone filling up with photos, however. Every time you take a snap it will be stored locally as well as in your cloud. That can cause problems if you are also downloading multiple podcasts, say, and TV shows. You don't want to miss out on your favourite podcast because you went to a party and took so many photos there isn't room for the audio.
So it makes sense to regularly cull photos from the local storage on your iPhone. Here's how to delete photos from your iPhone.

Delete photos from iPhone: 1

Open the 'Photos' app. It's the application with a large sunflower on it:
iPhone photos app

Delete photos from iPhone: 2

There are three options along the bottom: Albums, Photo stream, Places. You don't need to worry about 'Places', and 'Photo Stream' is your images in the cloud. You need to make sure you are in 'Albums'.
iPhone photos options

iPhone photos app delete from albumDelete photos from iPhone: 3

Here you'll see all the images stored locally on your iPhone, arranged in the albums you created. You can delete images from individual albums, but that won't help with the overall storage issue.

Delete photos from iPhone: 4

To remove photos and free up storage head to your iPhone's Camera Roll. To delete each individual shot, simply open it up by clicking the thumbnail and hitting the trash can symbol in the bottom right of the screen. If you have lots of photos this can be labour intensive, however. (We show you a better way below...)
Deleting an individual photo from iPhone

Delete photos from iPhone: 5

Far easier is to go back to the Camera Roll screen, and hit the Edit button in the top righthand corner of the screen. Then simply select all the photos you wish to delete by tapping their thumbnails...
iPhone phoro selected for deletion
...Finally, hit Delete, in the bottom righthand corner of the screen, and hit Delete Everywhere to confirm your actions. Your photos are now only in your iCloud stream, and your phone has additional space.

iPhone photo delete everywhere
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